
Meat Bingo event photo

Meat Bingo

Monday September 9th

Monthly on every second Monday

Play Bingo, leave with my meat.  The 2nd Monday of each month.  Seats fill quickly so get here early.  7-done

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

2024-09-09 19:00:002024-09-09 21:00:00America/ChicagoMeat BingoPlay Bingo, leave with my meat.  The 2nd Monday of each month.  Seats fill quickly so get here early.  7-doneTwo ShamrocksTwo
Trivia Riot Tuesday event photo

Trivia Riot Tuesday

Tuesday September 10th

Every Tuesday

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

2024-09-10 19:00:002024-09-10 21:00:00America/ChicagoTrivia Riot TuesdayTwo ShamrocksTwo
Open Jam event photo

Open Jam

Wednesday October 2nd

Monthly on every first Wednesday

Rock with some of the best musicians around, Open Jam the first Wednesday of the month

08:00 PM - 11:00 PM

2024-10-02 20:00:002024-10-02 23:00:00America/ChicagoOpen JamRock with some of the best musicians around, Open Jam the first Wednesday of the monthTwo ShamrocksTwo